Wednesday, January 31, 2007

General Knowledge Quiz

Only one teenage schoolboy has the authority to pass me. My heart sinks when I see him on entering the book shop - I scarcely know him. Suddenly he makes an announcement. "Is Robin Whitmore here?" I say yes thinking that everything will be ok. He tells me that in order to proceed he needs to ask me ten general knowledge questions and I must get four in a row right. Oh god.
"Which category - science or art?"
First question about some Dutch artist on the tip of my tongue. Pass.
Second, "What is another name for a dentist's chair?"
"Alfriston," I think. (Dubious answer.)
Third, "When did Vasco da Gama sail round the world?"
I am really not sure that he did at all but know he was around in the 16th century. No idea of what date.
And so it goes on. Ten questions and I get none right. Hopeless.

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